Tuesday, September 24, 2013


This four-day holiday, Nathan started crawling and sitting (not for long)! We are very excited!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Happy Moon Festival!

Moon Festival ( Mid-Autumn Festival) is one of the three important festival. And this year we have baby bear to celebrate with us.

Moon Festival is always full of good memories especially from childhood. Wearing pomelo hats is kind of  a tradition in Taiwan. 

On the way to the breakfast place. Can you believe there was a typhoon coming today?

Magic carpet


Sort of but not quite...

Baby pushup?!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Chewing gum

Last weekend

One of my high school friends had a baby boy last month so we gathered together. That was the day baby bear started having a fever (stinky virus). 

One of my friends is now six months pregnant which makes four out of six of us already mothers! 

Friday, September 13, 2013


The fever is gone, yay! Nathan started trail at the daycare and so far so good! The principal took pictures and sent us through Line (smartphone instant messenger). I feel more at ease to see him at the daycare we like.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Still having a fever

We took baby bear to the hospital because his energy was low and suddenly strangely excited after taking the medicine that the clinic gave him. He didn't want to eat either.
The doctor at the hospital gave him IV because he was dehydrated. While we were waiting, I ran into a student of mine, and she hoped Nathan would get well soon. They also took his blood and urine and the results were normal. The nurse tried 3 different spots for IV because he was dehydrated so the veins were hard to find. It was literally heartbreaking. Now we are back at home. Hope he starts eating and playing normally soon.

First fever

Nathan has had his first fever since Saturday night. We took him to the doctor and have been feeding him medicine. He isn't as warm as yesterday but he still feels uncomfortable and crys a lot. So painful to see him like this :(