Saturday, November 30, 2013


We were watching Macy's parade on TV after the Thanksgiving dinner. The little was so chipper and started dancing to the parade! (watch what he was doing with his feet)

Thanksgiving dinner

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Sunday, November 24, 2013


We are completely worn out. Baby Nathan has been fussy all weekend!

Saturday, November 23, 2013


Baby bear had his 10th vaccine. He weighs 8.4 kg (17.1 pounds) now.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Baby likes to hide

Daycare teacher told us that baby bear likes to hide in the holes and put the toys in the holes/cave too.

We know baby likes to go under the couch, dining table and chairs. He also enjoys hiding the remote control and his socks under the couch. :)

Daycare activity

We three all got sick (stinky virus!!!) so there hasn't been updates recently. I went to doctor and feel better. Baby bear and papa bear are fine now.

Baby bear: "Pleasure to work with you."

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Birthday celebration

Papa bear took us to a fancy buffet in a fancy hotel in Taipei. We brought baby bear's seat to the restaurant since the ones they offer are always too big for baby bear now. He had some sweet potatoes from the salad bar too!

Baby food

Baby bear has making good progress eating so I made baby food that was more solid.

This is quite sticky carrot broccoli brown rice congee.

Baby bear Skyping with his uncle and aunt

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Story time and play time at day care

Thank you

Thank you for wishing me a happy birthday. Thank you, Grandma, papa, Aunt Susan, Chrystelle, Richard and Audrey :)

Meet new friends

Met this group of people from a closed group on Facebook. We have one thing in common: our SO are all non-Taiwanese. So the group organizer suggested we meet, and we did. We had a good time meeting one another. We went to a restaurant run by one of the group member who had the best stories. Imagine just walking with a westerner on the street in Taiwan in 1970s. The stories were just so sad and amazing.

College friend's wedding

One of my college friends, Rudy, got married on Saturday. Leo came too. Remember Leo?

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Monday, November 4, 2013

Eating tangerine for the first time! (Click on the headline to view photos)

I was having dinner so I put baby bear in the chair and gave him a piece of tangerine. I thought he would just play with it but then he picked it up and started chewing on it!!  I tried little cookie balls before but he wasn't able to pick them up because they were too small.

The tangerine was a bit sour but it turned out baby bear loved it!! :) :)