Sunday, August 11, 2013

Five months!

Baby Nathan is five months today! He never stops surprising us. 

Updates about Nathan: 
 1) Can roll over sometimes with both hands out, sometimes with only one hand out. 
 2) Sometimes takes a long time to feed him maybe because he is getting sick of milk.
 3) Trying rice meal for the second time (first time when he was four months but we thought he wasn't ready)
 3) He screams like a bird for fun
 4) Trying size M diaper today
 5) Likes to sit (us holding him) 
 6) Lots and lots of energy!

Updates about me: 
 1) Somehow lost the 40 pounds I gained for Nathan!! So surprised when I found out this month that the 40 pounds was gone. I eat lots of veggies and brown rice (often brown rice mixed with white rice). I also take stairs because there is no elevator in the building at work that half of my classes are at.  
 2) Sleep better 
 3) Just very happy

Nathan loves to sleep on his stomach, which he used to hate. 

Now we are on the second baby diary, the book the nanny uses to keep track of Nathan's schedule everyday. 

I make rice meals and freeze them. 

With the frozen rice meal cubes, we can heat it up when we feed Nathan. We are too busy to make fresh rice meal every day. They sell very convenient rice meal, corn meal, and cereal meal powder which only calls for hot water to make but we prefer doing it ourselves.

Nathan getting stronger 

Looking in the mirror

Looking in the mirror and smiling

Looking in the mirror and smiling

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