Thursday, October 31, 2013

Baby's first Halloween! We are The Avengers!!!

We dressed up as three super heroes from the Avengers: Captain America (Baby Bear), Black Widow (Mama Bear) and Tony Stark (Papa Bear)
We were soooooo excited for Baby Nathan's first Halloween! 

The Avengers
Captain America 

Tony Stark

Black Widow

Papa Bear: "No, baby, no!"

Baby Bear: "My dad told me not to scratch your face, I dont know why..."

Nathan: "Come on, touch it, it's really soft!"

Baby Bear: "Wooo, her neck is soft too!"

After taking the pictures, when we were getting ready to call it a day. A really strong earthquake occurred at 8:03 pm. It was so violent that the lamp and fan fell down to the ground. I was freaking out but flew to Baby Bear and picked him up from the crib. I held him so tight thinking if I were to die, then I wouldn't let anything hurt my baby! Every time an earthquake happens, I will immediately think of the one that killed lots lots of people in Middle Taiwan when I was in high school. That was a big tragedy. 

Jonathan had never experienced an earthquake like this before, so he wasn't sure what was going on. When he realized it was a strong earthquake, he had already seen me fly into the room at light speed. We turned on the TV right after it stopped, the news had already been talking about it, even CNN was talking about it. 

 Finally I believe a mother would be able to carry a big heavy fridge if an emergency happens. 

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Under the weather

Baby bear has been coughing and has a runny nose. His face has also turned red.

We call it Apple Face here. He feels uncomfortable so he has been in a bad mood and crying a lot. :(

Monday, October 21, 2013