Saturday, December 28, 2013

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Poor Pongpong the Penguin

 Poor Pongpong... 

Baby Bear chews on it, spits on it, throws it around and sleeps on it. 

Poor Pongpong is still a loyal friend. 

Monday, December 23, 2013

Not sore throat

My fever, sore muscle, headache, nausea compelled me to go the doctor on Sunday. I was so miserable that I agreed to take a shot. It had been so so so long since I took one for sickness. The shot was painful because it had a mild version of the virus in it but it worked wonders!

Monday morning, however, I found red dots and sores on my lips. " Oh no! Baby bear gave it to me!" I thought as I looked in the mirror. The pain in my throat, mouth and tongue got worse as the day proceeded. I felt the nerves in my mouth screaming whenever I swallow something.

I went to the doctor again. The doctor said right away that I got it from baby and there were several holes in my mouth and throat. I told the doctor that it hurt a lot. "There is no quick fix." The doctor told me and gave me some more medicine.

The worst part: I need to talk! :(

Ok, no more complaining. It'll be ok.

Good night and take care.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Friday, December 20, 2013


Papa bear took today off to take care of baby bear, who got virus that caused him to have something like canker sore inside his throat, and on his tongue. It's painful so he was drinking milk slowly.

Can't believe I haven't even fully recovered from the cold got, and now I have a fever. :(

I have been running around nonstop, and just when I finally got to rest and eat dinner that I realized I felt sick.

Hope after I sleep we all will feel better.

I hate virus so much!

Good night!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Postpartum hair loss

My hair has been falling out since the baby was four months old, which makes the hair loss process five months now!

Every time I take a shower I have to clean the drain twice so that the water can go down. I get handful of hair each time. It's really scary. You can find my hair everywhere in the house. So my hair is super thin now. The new hair is growing. They are like sprouts sticking out and my students say I look like a baby chicken, a lion and a pineapple.

I hope my I can get my hair back soon!

My buddy

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

9 months!

It's been 9 months! Yay! My baby bear is my heart my liver(心肝寶貝)!

Now his sleeping buddies include Mousy, Pong Pong (the penguin) and Hobo (the lion).

Monday, December 9, 2013


My throat hurts like crazy and talking all day doesn't help.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Very much looking forward to meeting Fran


I got this birthday card from Uncle Bobby and Fran yesterday.Thank you!

Let's get on it

Friend's wedding

Went to a friend's wedding. The them is "going back in time" so they made a video of them going back to ancient China and Shanghai in the 40s and they finally come back to Taipei in 2013. It was a lot of fun! The hosts were in ancient China cloths too.


Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Morning hustle

This is what happens when matching sucks are mysteriously gone during the rush in the morning. I couldn't help find the socks because I left for work and papa bear didn't wan baby bear's feet to get cold at the daycare.

It's kinda cute, isn't it?

Baby and his uncle

Playing with Baby

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


Baby Nathan has been clucking his tongue! He would do it in response to our clucking as well! So adorable and interesting we can never get tired!