Monday, December 23, 2013

Not sore throat

My fever, sore muscle, headache, nausea compelled me to go the doctor on Sunday. I was so miserable that I agreed to take a shot. It had been so so so long since I took one for sickness. The shot was painful because it had a mild version of the virus in it but it worked wonders!

Monday morning, however, I found red dots and sores on my lips. " Oh no! Baby bear gave it to me!" I thought as I looked in the mirror. The pain in my throat, mouth and tongue got worse as the day proceeded. I felt the nerves in my mouth screaming whenever I swallow something.

I went to the doctor again. The doctor said right away that I got it from baby and there were several holes in my mouth and throat. I told the doctor that it hurt a lot. "There is no quick fix." The doctor told me and gave me some more medicine.

The worst part: I need to talk! :(

Ok, no more complaining. It'll be ok.

Good night and take care.

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