Saturday, April 26, 2014

We LOVE Taipei!

 On Saturday we went to one of the play areas in Taipei again. There are so many great great public play areas here in Taipei. All you have to is make appointment on the Internet or you wait on the spot to see if there are any vacancies left for the session. I like how they control the number of people going in because too many children and adults will make the place too crazy. What's more, it's totally free!

Baby Bear plays so hard every time but his favorites are the ramps! He goes up and down the ramp a million times without getting bored.

"Who's that handsome guy in the mirror? He thinks he's more handsome than I am?"

Gets frustrated from not being able to stand up. Hahaha!

While playing, it suddenly rained cats, dogs and dinosaurs! We were hungry so we walked into a Thai Bistro. We had Thai food and beer listening to the pouring rain outside while Baby Bear was sleeping.  It was such a great day and evening!

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