Sunday, February 22, 2015

Friend's Cafe!!

One of my close friends opened a cafe!!!! Soooooooo happy for them! We took the train to my home town again to visit. She and her husband did everything by themselves including the design, the wood work ( those amazing (expensive) wooden tables!), the food and coffee!! Ah I'm really excited and happy!
Pretty friend whom I shared lots and lots of secrets with. :P

Friday, February 20, 2015

Talkative Boy

A good friend who recently moved back from South Africa came to visit. Baby bear is so talkative when the guest is here. He is just so 三八 (no equivalent word in English)!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Going to Auntie's for the Lunar New Year!!!

We went to my sister's to have 年夜飯, reunion dinner on the lunar new year's eve. We were lucky to get train tickets! It was Nathan's first time on the train in Taiwan! He's taken the bus, taxi, MRT, High Speed Rail, new york subway, airplane, boat, and LIRR. Next goal: submarine!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Deeply Saddened

Every single person in Taiwan is deeply saddened by the plane crash, which happened not far from where we live. The pilots tried their absolute best to minimize the losses. 58 passengers, 31 dead, 12 missing, 15 survived. There were two children on the plane, they both survived.

Please pray for the people and Taiwan. Please.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Bond with Bunny!

So gentle with the bunny. Good boy!
One of our favorite thing to do during the day: Going to different parks!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Baby Reader!

At the end of the video, he says "thank you" in Mandarin. :))))

Fun Toy!

One of Nathan's favorite toy! My sister gave this and a bunch of other stuff to Nathan.❤
 He LOVES it. He calls it 搖搖"yao yao", which means "rocky". :D