Tuesday, February 10, 2015

23 months!!

Can't believe the little one is 23 months!!!!  He's turning two soon!!! Where did time go?!


1. Current obsessions: Elmo, Thomas and Friends, parks, and animals. 

2. He looks like a boy instead of a baby now. 

3. Very talkative and active. Everyday he wakes up saying words.  He can talk for a LONG   time. 

4. Every day now, literally every day he says news words and I get flabbergasted each time (he would look at me like "What did I do, Mama?)!  One time I was cleaning the table, and he was reading a book my sister gave him. He suddenly said the word that was on the page!!!! Funny things is that he says a new word and looks at me, and I look stunned, and he laughs!!

5. He repeats every thing we say so he sometimes calls me "Matza". 

6. Code-switches all the time (switching between two languages).

7. Eats and sleeps very well.

8. The agency keeps asking us if we would like to do more audition because they think his face is perfect for formula commercials. But he usually gets too excited during photo shooting and runs around and doesn't follow the instructions like "smile", "stand there" etc. LoL!

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