Monday, June 1, 2015

The Face!

by the way, the hairy arms and legs are not mine.....

Whenever Nathan does something he's not supposed to do or something he's proud of, he makes this face.

He says things like "no climb" when climbing, "no fro (throw)" when throwing things, and "小心哦"( be careful) when not being careful.

We discover he chooses to speak English more often because it's easier. His favorite sentence now is "Who's this?"  He asks this question so many times a day. He points to everything and asks us "Who's this?" What's weird is that if I answer in Mandarin he sometimes will repeat the question until I answer in English.  I guess he wants to say the word, but Mandarin is a bit difficult for him to pronounce.

One time he tastes something spicy, I heard him say "spicy" to his Dad. I was surprised because I didn't know he knew the word.  He always refer to spicy as "辣辣"(hot, spicy). But Jonathan told me he always said "spicy" to him. That was the first time I realized that maybe it's clear to him that his parents speak different languages.

Speaking of spicy, he's not afraid of spicy things. I have different spicy chilly sauce in the fridge. One day I saw him sitting under the dining table with a red mouth. I thought he was bleeding. But then I found that he was just digging in the chilly sauce that he stole from the  fridge. He looked at me and said "辣辣"(hot, spicy).

We could just watch him all day and be entertained. :D

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