Thursday, September 17, 2015

All-Day Sickness

Wanted to write down my all-day sickness so my kids can read when they are teenagers and try not to be too rebellious.

 "All-day sickness" is actually an understatement because it was 24-7 sickness.

When I was pregnant with Nathan, I felt nauseous all day but when I slept I felt fine. Of course I threw up every day until  six months and then it got better so I threw up once in a while until eight months.

This time, it was different. I started feeling nauseous at week five and started throwing up.

Everyday discomforts include:

  • Nausea (so bad I couldn't focus on anything) It lasted all day and night so I had to get up in the middle of the night to vomit. 
  • Serious gas (couldn't eat even though I felt very hungry)
  • Dizziness (couldn't get out of bed so Jonathan had to take two weeks off work to take care of me and  Nathan)
  •  Headache
  • Insane strong sense of smell (I had to change my soap, shampoo, toothpaste and everything that has a smell. Just couldn't stand any kind of smell neither good nor bad. I was so afraid of the smell of the fridge even though it wasn't really stinky but I just couldn't bear the smell of food!) 
  • Fatigue 
  • Lower back pain and lower tummy pain
Nausea and gas were the worst nightmare for me and vomit was the second worst. Imagine you are in a car and feel car sick 24-7 for four months and you don't know when the car is going to stop. When I actually throw up, my body uses all its strength to get the stuff or nothing out. I would throw up five times a day. Every time I throw up, my stomach was like being squeezed by a pair of strong hands and when there is nothing to throw up, I vomit some liquid, which  burns my throat and it would bleed a little.  I couldn't even breath when I vomit because I couldn't control the reflex so things/liquid come out of my mouth and nose and tears just fall. There is literally no way for me to breath normally because the system isn't controlled by me. I would gasp so much and feel extra dizzy each time after I throw up.

The doctor prescribed some medicine to stop the vomit but it didn't help so I stopped taking it (what's the point, right?)  He said when the hormone is a lot in the system, people tend to have strong reaction but the hormone protects the fetus and its environment so less likely to have miscarriage. Princess Kate had severe morning sickness, worst than mine, so at least I got to be like a princess.

I feel sorry for Nathan when I felt sick. He would say "Mama sick" when I was in the bathroom throwing up. He would go get tissue for me and hug me. He needed me but I couldn't play with him or take him out or even cook/feed him. I felt so sad. :(

Those days, I lived in the dark. 

Thank goodness it stopped at about when I was five months. I'm so so so grateful now that I can EAT and cook! I began to eat a lot and the doctor told me to stop eating so much because so far I've gained 10 kgs (22 pounds)! Last time I gained 40 pounds so there is still room. :P

Anyways, my lovely kids, if you are reading this, be nice to me, ok?  :)

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