Sunday, December 20, 2015

That's My Boy!

 Nathan wants to use chopsticks when he sees us use them and he can actually pick up food with them. It's absolutely not easy for a two year old but we let him. He gets frustrated when he can't pick up food but won't give up. It gets messy but it's the necessary process. 
Many adults can pick up food with chopsticks but in a wrong way (fingers placed in wrong places thus can't control the chopsticks efficiently). 
My parents (especially my father, who was a retired soldier and a real martinet) were pretty strict about how we used chopsticks because it shows how a family educates their children so I can proudly say I use chopsticks correctly. 

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Friday, December 4, 2015

In the Elevater

Nathan said "兩個爸爸" (Two daddies) when he saw the reflection of his daddy in the mirror in the elevator and kept looking at the two daddies. :D 

pic taken last year...when can I get this body back???