Monday, December 21, 2015

Last Weekend Just the Three of Us

Nathan has been constantly saying "在裡面" (baby inside belly) "妹妹出生了, 肚子痛痛" (Baby sister is born, mama's tummy hurts)  "這是妹妹的" (This is baby's sister's 'pointing to her clothes and stuff"') and "要分享" (need to share). When we go to the hospital, he points to the ultrasound monitor and says "Little sister" in English.  He has also been having bad dreams at night. I think he knows that the baby is coming soon and that brings pressure.

After this Friday, it won't be just the three of us anymore so we did lots of things together. It has been bitter and sweet but we cherished every second.  I will miss the time just the three of us.

Making a doll out of two socks together

Can you tell Nathan helped me glue the little parts? :)

Made this cape out of a plastic bag

We dont really give him sweets so he's especially happy when he has chocolate waffle for the first time. 

Nathan dancing with baba.  Be aware of my laugh though...

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