Saturday, February 27, 2016

First Thing in the Morning

Nathan just loves holding Waverly, but he can't handle her weight yet. But how can I ever say no to him wanting to hold his sister?

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Friday, February 19, 2016

Thursday, February 11, 2016


They look so much alike! 

Where Are You From?

Mama: Where do I come from? 
Nathan: Taiwanese
Mama: Where does baba come from? 
Nathan: American 
Mama: where does Nathan come from? 
Nathan: Taiwanese
Mama: Where does baby sister come from? 
Nathan: dragon fruit 

Us: Hahahahahahaha

This was all in Mandarin

Dragon fruit: 

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Morning Today

First thing Nathan said after getting up and running to our room was 妹妹呢?我可以抱嗎?(Where is baby sister? Can I hold her?) 

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

New Outfit from You!

This outfit is just so cute. She got compliments today at a park near our place! I said our family in the U.S sent it to her. 


This happened before the Lunar New Year's Eve. So sad I can't watch the news because every time I do I cry. One third of the victims that died are children, including a 10 day old infant, and a six month old baby. Please pray for  Southern Taiwan.

Friday, February 5, 2016



The hospital I gave birth is the best hospital I've ever seen. They have my ultrasound picture, videos and data  on the app where you can view online and download the those documents.

The nurses also take pictures and videos when they give vaccinations to babies and put them in the app. This is the second time An Rei got vaccination.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

When Surprise Comes

The story goes back to the day when I ate the whole  bar of parmesan cheese. Yes, I did. 

I didn't know people don't eat parmesan cheese like that so I ate it (The first time I had cheese was when I was 14 and I thought it was sweet so I spit it out when I realized it wasn't sweet!!). I told Jonathan I ate the cheese and felt nauseous. He instantly asked "Are you pregnant?" I replied "Impossible".