Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Final Post

Hi everyone,

I heard that Richard and Audrey said things about the trip, and I think it's only fair that I tell my side of the story. We haven't said anything to anyone about the conflict but Richard and Audrey have said quite a bit.

Once again, I'm doing this because you should know the story from BOTH sides, not because I'm trying to sabotage anyone.

I was in the bedroom with Meimei, and after she fell asleep I came out of the room finding Audrey on the speaker phone talking about how rude I was, how confused she was about us leaving early, how crazy it was..."

Therefore, I told Audrey I heard what say said. And she started this "Peixin doesn't say anything, she bottles things up" "So crazy" when she was talking about me one the phone with Grandma instead of me.

I don't follow the logic at all. She could've talked me instead of bottling things up, right? Same with Richard. Richard said he understood why we were leaving early but in fact he didn't. Then why did he pretend he understood? When you have a question, don't you ask? Or do you tell people "I really don't understand why". 

This is the email exchange:

 1. From my point of view (I encourage you to tell me yours), here is what happened and why I was upset. 
    Why didn't you say anything? 

 2. Audrey and I both worked very hard to provide all of you with a fun and comfortable experience here.  We cooked for you, paid for everything we did, even bought   a new crib mattress (at Audrey's insistence) so the baby would be comfortable.  I thought everyone was having a good time (especially Nathan).
Have we not thanked you? We said more than once "We're touched." "Thank you" "This is great" "Thank you for everything". We did appreciate what you did and Nathan did have fun. Why are you mentioning it again? 

3. On Saturday we were all invited to a Bar B Q and swim at Mark's house.  Nicole, Todd and their kids were going to come.  This was all set up so that they could meet you. 
    We had absolutely no idea about this. You had said NOTHING about BBQ at Mark's house, not even when Jonathan said he hoped you could do a BBQ because he knows you're good. 

4. When I was driving Jonathan to get his license, he told me you had gotten the job and wanted to return to Longboat Key as soon as possible.  I thought you were flying out almost immediately, but he told me that it wouldn't be for several days. 
I was Facebooking back and forth with my previous co-worker to see if I could go back later because I couldn't get in touch with the director (Time difference and they were insanely busy due to new students coming in) They start their summer class on July 25 so actually I've already extended my stay here. I couldn't tell you all the details because it was (and IS) still in discussion. I need to use my own computer to do emails and files on my own computer that has Chinese system!  Do you remember I said I needed to go back on the 22nd? But we couldn't get the flight that has bassinet. We told you about the flight situation. I tried very hard to get answers from the school, but I just couldn't give you answers when I don't know. The only thing I could say is what I had said. 

5. Since the shopping is better here and we hardly use our phone, I didn't understand what you could do there that you couldn't do here. 
    Chinese on my computer.

6. You both knew that I had done this so I was upset that you reacted the way you did when I said I was not up to driving. 
So I didn't ask you to drive us back. Actually I felt better doing the limo because everyone's worried about you, including me. How did I react? Was I angry? Did you think I was upset or angry?

7. It was as if I didn't matter all, the only thing  on your mind was getting back to Longboat Key
Did you know you used "as if" in your sentence? That means it wasn't the reality. I was just worried about your unknown blockage and my job situation. You were imagining things there in your mind!

8. I also had to pay for another limo ride which I was happy to do if it was really an emergency and you had to get right back. 
    We are truly grateful for that. But if you were really happy to do then you shouldn't have mentioned it. Money isn't all that important, in fact, we can pay you all back or even extra if you care that much so you had to mention it. 

9. So I lost out on at least two more days with my grandchildren and you missed out on a fun day meeting Audrey's family
    If you remember, you left Taiwan early as well. We totally understood when you said you need your medication/stuff. How come after we explained to you and you said you understood, Audrey and you BOTH said you don't understand? I'm completely perplexed. 

11. At least by staying Friday night, Jonathan was able to take me to a movie and spend some nice time alone with me.  By Sunday I was fine to drive and would have been with you until Monday morning.
I'm very happy about the movie night. You are his father, and he is your son. He loves and respects you so deeply. So I will not drag him down to anything unhappy between us. Even if someday for some reason you and me are not talking anymore, I will force him to stay in touch with you. 

I'm a grateful person. I appreciate everything you did for us. However, it shouldn't be used  when a conflict happens, people bring about all the nice things they did for you and tell you "You should be grateful and say sorry no matter what". It's not right to me. 

It's like a mother tells her children "I gave birth to you and brought you up, I spent so much money on you and love you so much, how could you call the police when I was hitting you with a baseball bat?" 

In terms of my job, it's going well, I'm psyched up! However, only Josh and Aunt Susan congratulated me. It felt like me getting a job doesn't matter at all because you are all sad about us leaving early. 

You all want us to move to America because you all live there and my sister can be here without any relatives. 

I know none of you cares who's right or wrong. You just want peace. I will not argue with anyone anymore. This blog will be closed. It's not a revenge, not a threat. I'm just tired. I opened this blog after Nathan was born because I want this family to be closer and get to know our life here. But it's not working. I tried and failed. I won't have time for this anyway. 

Good luck, everyone!  

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