Monday, March 25, 2013


好會站立的頭髮! Spiky hair! 

最近發現寶寶吃飽了會哭,一抱起就平靜一點,原來還需要抱著他走來走去他才會停止哭泣。雖然要訓練嬰兒 self sooth,也就是自己能平靜下來,但是對於一個出生才兩個星期的嬰兒而言太過嚴厲及殘酷了。所以平常應該也抱抱他,如此才不會讓他有非得要哭泣才會有 人來抱他的想法。

I discovered Nathan cries after eating. The only way to to calm him down is to hold him and walk around. Although it's important for infants to learn how to calm themselves down but it's too early for a two-week-old baby to do that. So the best way is to sometimes hold him when he is not crying, which I hope will stop him from thinking "OK, the only time they hold me is when I cry. "

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