Monday, April 29, 2013

Friend holding Nathan trying to pretend she's not nervous

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Life with a baby

This photo says it all.

Taking care of a baby is not easy but I'll try to update whenever I have time between feeding, putting him to bed, washing diapers, clothes, doing house chores, eating, and sleeping.

Hope this blog makes the family feel closer to us.

Nathan穿爸爸剛出生穿過的衣服!! Wearing Dad's newborn outfit!!

寶寶居然穿著江江剛出生時穿的衣服!!! 婆婆留下來的,婆婆已經不在人世了,所以我看到這件衣服特別感動!! 現在由Nathan穿著,我覺得我們的寶寶被家人深深愛著。

I cannot believe Nathan is wearing Jonathan's newborn outfit!!! Thank Mama Lisa and Aunt Susan for keeping it. :)

Gifts with Nathan's name on them

Blanket! So cute and soft!

Bunny! Sooooo adorable!

Daivd+Chrysetelle in Taiwan

Chrystelle trying acupuncture

Ear acupuncture stickers

When it hits the right spot, it hurts a little...just a little

Chinese (Shanxi) food

Delicious lamb

Digging in


Danshui old street

Say cheese!

Happy baby, happy mom!!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

More smile

Nathan smiles more often! ♥♥♥♥♥


                                Chrystelle fell asleep in the cab...and I beautified the photo.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

David + Chrystelle in TAIWAN!

Uncle David and Aunt Chrystelle chaging baby Nathan's diaper

David being nervous

David peeking

David still nervous

Late night snack

Having traditional breakfast

My precious baby Nathan

David handed me this "hot cute guys and cute chicks" this morning. Yes, guys with baby chickens!


Saturday, April 13, 2013

布尿布 + 笑了! Cloth diaper + smile!!

Yesterday Nathan's gift came! His grandpa gave him some cloth diapers!

I wanted to use cloth diaper as soon as I know they existed even though a lot of people say it's impractical because it takes a lot of time to wash and dry them. But I want to be environmental and give Nathan the best. We have already used three of them and think they are great! They absorb peepee very well and the inside is not as wet as those disposable ones. Another great thing about them is that they look a lot cuter!

Nathan likes to be changed and after we changed him this morning we caught him smiling (see video)! He loves the gift grandpa gave him! :) 








 心得: 好用! 因為超吸尿,而且表面很乾爽! 比紙尿布還乾很多!

換完尿布後,發現他居然在笑!! :D :D :D