Monday, April 1, 2013

Apr. 2

Tummy Time! 

再過兩天就要從月子中心回家了。那才是真實人生的開始呀! 希望一切安好,寶寶快點習慣家中的一切。

Two more days we will leave the postpartum care center and return to the real world.

How do I feel about it? Anxious! I haven't had Nathan with me full day yet and I feel nervous and tired having him just for 3 hours. What concerns me is that I don't know what to do when he cries angrily when everything is done (milk, diaper, burp, walking, holding...) I'm worried that he is uncomfortable or in pain like he is having colic.

Luckily the first four days we're back home is holiday so I have Jonathan with me. Hope the baby can get used to home no problem.

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