Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Thursday, February 20, 2014


Nathan can stand for 10 seconds now. He even walked three steps yesterday!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Sick Bears

Baby bear and I are a little better. I was on an IV for constant throwing up and slept for two days. Not fun...:(

Papa Bear is starting to feel sick. Hope he won't get real sick.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Stomach Flu

Baby Bear threw up several times and had bad diarrhea this morning. Today was supposed to be the last day he stayed at the daycare (we are going to a new public daycare which is closer, half price, much bigger and better. We had to join the lottery to get a spot and we won it!), but Papa Bear took the day off and I took the afternoon off.

We took Baby Bear to the doctor. Hope he gets well soon.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Can't believe it!! Baby brings us so much joy and happiness everyday!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

We Eat, and You Play!

We went to this restaurant with play areas for babies. Baby Bear was so happy! It was his first time he saw so many balls. He wanted to play with them all but couldn't let go of the two in his hands. It was so adorable! 

In the video, there was a sweet girl sharing the balls with Baby Bear. :)

When we were ready to leave, Baby Bear cried loudly because he didn't want to leave so we promised him we would come back again in the future.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

親愛的寶寶 8












Dance With Baby!

On Wednesday morning Papa Bear went to the gym and Baby Bear and I stayed at home dancing. We danced to several songs. This is the first one.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Trip to Thailand Cancled

Due to the riot in Thailand, we canceled the trip.

We usually go abroad during Lunar New Year. We went to Japan and China but last I was very pregnant so we didn't go anywhere.

Some photos from 2011 in Japan

Let's Go to the Park!