Sunday, February 23, 2014

Going to the New Daycare Tomorrow!

Baby Bear loving the stair case

We took Baby Bear to the new day care on Friday for one hour to get to know his caretaker after he felt better from his stomach flu. He was so excited that he kept squawking like a bird. 

The new daycare just opened this month and lots of people had been lining up for a spot since it's directly supervised by the government. We couldn't believe we got in. It's a lot cheaper and spacious.  Our old day care is only one-fourth the size of the one room of the new daycare, which has four rooms. It is HUGE!  

They have cooks,a nurse and everything is so new and organized. Baby Bear has a big locker to himself. We took look at their drawers under the changing table. Everything is so amazingly organized they even put Baby Bear's name on it already.

Of course, nothing can compare to home but when we still have to work the new daycare is the best choice. 
Baby Bear's caretaker Dian Dian

Happily playing with the tent.

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