Friday, March 21, 2014


We went to a very famous historical site where they hold the first birthday ceremony, 抓周 (Zhuazhou).  Zhuazhou is the traditional ceremony where people celebrate their babies turning one in Taiwan and China. It can be traced back to 魏晉南北朝(220—589)but apparently some historians have different views in terms of when it began. We put different things in front of the baby and see what she/he grabs, from which we can predict what he/she will do in the future when she/he grows up. Celery means "diligence" and different things stand for different meanings.

Reference: Introduction to Zhuazhou

Strolling around 

Cool wooden stroller

Just wants to stand and walk all the time

"Daddy, See! I'm standing!"

"And I'm walking to you, Daddy! "

Baby Bear got the celery

And then he grabbed a writing brush, meaning he will be good at writing or jobs related to writing. Baby didn't forget to poke Daddy with it. 

Something inside the golden egg

Third thing he grabbed the an abacus, meaning he will be good at math and money management

Then he got the official stamp, meaning he will be a big leader

Beating the wisdom gong to be older and wiser

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Super cute bunny cake that Mama Bear loves

Happy Birthday, baby!

Daddy: "Blow the candle like this"

Dig in!

Hahahaha, baby bear loves the cake!!

 We were very happy although there were just the three of us that day.

In the past year, we went through so many difficulties and so much happiness.  Before having baby bear,  we only cared about ourselves. After the baby was born,we learned that we can do anything for our baby, which reminded me of my very hard-working parents who put a roof over our heads and feed us when they were very poor and alone.  And mothers have this shockingly amazing power to protect and love their babies. I didn't know I had that power.  I'm surprised to see how we've changed and know that this baby is the greatest teacher in our lives.Daddy bear says he won't be those fathers who fail to care, call and love. He will always be there for Baby Bear and do what he promises. He will be his friend and not ignore his feelings.

I remember that when I was 17 weeks pregnant, I had a sharp pain in my head and we went to the doctor. The first doctor asked us what to do. He told us that my aneurysm could erupt any moment yet they couldn't do any test because I was pregnant. I cried the whole week but I told myself everything would be ok and if not, the baby would be ok even if I wasn't. Baby bear gave me strength and power. The pregnancy went ok and birth went ok although not the way we had wanted it. David and Chrystelle came, which made us very happy. Speaking of which: 

 Anyways, this post has to end otherwise it will become a boring book. Last but not least, thank you everyone for your support and love. :)

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