Thursday, March 27, 2014

Celebrating Spring at Taipei Zoo

We teachers took the students to the zoo on Friday. It was supposed to be spring weather but it was as hot as 30 degree Celsius (86 Fahrenheit)! 

My students went nuts for Baby Bear! They screamed as soon as they saw me out of MRT station. Even students I didn't know came over and observed Baby Bear. My students were really sweet though. They helped me push the stroller and take care of Baby Bear. 

This lovely student came to the station near my house just to go to the zoo with me

They were literally lining up to hold Baby Bear

My co-worker holding Baby Bear


Everyone watching Baby Bear


One of my students can't stand her own hands and Baby Bear's hands being dirty so she insisted on wiping his hands after he crawled on the floor.

They guy behind me has nothing to do with us but I don't know why he was looking at the camera and smiling

This super star got so tired from being held by girls and took a long nap afterwards

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