Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Severe Shortage of Limes in Florida?

According to Grandma, there is severe shortage of limes in Florida?! 

We knew it because baby bear asked them to send all the limes they had  to Taiwan!  Haha, we know it's not good for baby bear's teeth so we don't really give him lime to eat.  Three times so far, one time is when he was little, one time was when I was cooking and I gave him a think slice to lick for a few seconds and the third time was the "talking" video. 

Thank you Uncle Tony for caring about baby bear's teeth. :) 

He is teething again so he's been in a bad mood for days. He likes to use his teeth so we give him rusks to sooth the discomfort. There was one time he was carrying an apple with his teeth and walking around the house for some reason.  Again, he didn't do it for long so don't worry about his teeth. 

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