Saturday, July 11, 2015

4th Anniversary!

My sister came over to watch Nathan so we could go out and celebrate our anniversary! 

We went to this special prawn restaurant where prawns are prepared in different special way. They also have other kinds of seafood and fast fried items (local Taiwanese food). Best way to have the prawns here is to eat them with cold beer!!!!! 

The prawns are cooked with special seasoning in an iron pot. They may not look anything  special but the delightful chewiness and the savory flavor are beyond words. I just want to eat every part of the prawn! 
I love you guys so much I have to eat you all!!!!!!

Bestest part: roe! Ahhh so good! 

Some sweetness!

Look at this super adorable card! (Nathan wouldn't leave me alone when I was taking the picture so yes the hand is Nathan's)
Thank you so much Grandma and Papa for the gift! We had a fantastic day! Nathan had a great time with his aunt too! :D 

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