Saturday, November 7, 2015


We went to a nice buffet restaurant to celebrate my birthday. I LOVE buffet so much!! Jonathan mostly ate western food but I mainly had Asian food. I tried almost everything except the pasta and potato. 

I felt like I was competing against time because we only had two hours and I want to eat every single item and a lot of them! So when it was close to the time, I just asked Jonathan to get stuff I hadn't had . I was super satisfied but I literally couldn't walk properly when leaving the restaurant because I was so full. 

Jonathan had said before we went "We're gonna eat slowly and not make ourselves sick" but as we left I just said "Oh my oh my I can't walk" and he burped and then almost threw up. I was cracking up!!!!  We are such losers when it comes to buffet!!! We love it too much! :P 

I miss you guys already! 

Surprise from the restaurant

we didn't know they give birthday discounts and they gave me a little birthday cake!!!! 

Thank you everyone sending me cards and gifts! I had a great day! 

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