Thursday, November 19, 2015


Some friends told me your child can sense you're having a baby even though they're too young to understand and will become very attached to you and change their behavior.

Nathan is old enough to understand what's going on and has been a lot more attached to me for a few months. He would cry for me at night or during the day. He used to accept his dad's comfort but now he doesn't anymore. He just wants ME. He wants me to carry him, feed him,walk with him  and be in bed with him and when I tell him my belly is too big to do those things he just throws tantrums. He suddenly started asking for milk a few weeks ago, even after a big meal. He also says "Mama, Nathan baby, walk" when he wants me to hold him like a baby and I have to walk.

He just wants to be a baby and I can understand.

He is still my baby :)

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