Friday, May 6, 2016

Nathan Teaching Waverly

I told him Waverly taught herself already though...


  1. Such a wonderful big brother! I think Waverly is his "project." He is so interested and caring! It seems to me that the age difference works very nicely, because if he were 2 instead of 3, he would be too young to play such a guiding role, and if he were 4, he might have other additional things in his life to distract him. Of course, he is just very special in any case!! ;)

  2. Exactly! He is old enough to know what is going on. He still loves the book I got him when I was pregnant with Waverly. It's about a boy who's about to have a sister. Nathan often tells me meimei was born and mama hurt. Two year old Nathan wouldn't appreciate a baby sister like three year old Nathan. I'm very happy about the age difference.
