Thursday, May 30, 2013

New toy!

The Nanny told me Nathan has been enjoying toys like crib mobiles toys so we bought him one and he enjoys it! He was trying to figure out what that big thing was but the same day in the afternoon he learned how to play with it! 

This is how it looks like from Nathan's angle.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Sunny day

We decided to take Nathan to the park on a sunny Sunday.

 And family time

Friday, May 24, 2013

Childhood memory = Baby Nathan?

The below picture is one of the most popular snacks when I was a kid. The cartoon boy on the box was famous.

Doesn't Nathan look just like the cartoon boy with the bangs? His cheeks are so chubby that they hang down a bit.

This was when I took him home from the Nanny's yesterday and this naughty boy was pulling my shirt. Maybe he wanted me to rock with him just like what his outfit said?

Useful things

This blanket that grandma's friend made for Nathan is very useful after I get him from the Nannys and need a place to put him down right away. He plays and sleep on it a couple of times a day. :)

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Busy but happy

I have been busy since I went back to work. I had four classes before Nathan came, now two of them are graduating so I only have two classes. I'm still busy! I have to prepare lessons, make tests, and find time to pump my milk during breaks.

Leaving him for work every morning is hard, but going to the Nanny's to pick him up always makes me excited.  He is truly the best gift.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Bath time!

Baby Nathan grows so fast so he looks different everyday. We can literally "see" the difference!

We are always saying "He is heavier than yesterday", "He is taller today" and "His face looks different"!

Today, you'll get to see us givig Nathan a bath!
And Nathan taking a bath at the postpartum care center. He was only 20 days old then.
I miss him so much at work everyday. He is just so precious!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

2 months + 8 days

Nathan is getting bigger! See how his hair looks now and one month ago? It looks shorter because his head is bigger now.  Although he is bigger, people on the street are still commenting on how small he is and they are always telling me I shouldn't take such a small baby out when I carry him back home from the Nanny's. 

My wrists has been hurting since we got home. Here in Taiwan we call it "Mama hands".  According to Wikipedia, it is stenosing tenosynovitis, a painful condition caused by the inflammation (tenosynovitis) and progressive restriction of the superficial and deep flexors fibrous tendon sheath adjacent to A1 pulley at a metacarpal head.  My wrists hurt the most when I wake up in the morning so I avoid holding Nathan then just to be careful. Jonathan doesn't seem to have "mama hands" though. I wonder if dads get "papa hands". 

Here comes Baby Beatles. 

It's fake bangs. :D 

Hope to blog more this week if not too busy. Ciao! 

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Happy Mother's Day!


Happy Mother's Day to all mothers!

Not just on Mother's Day, Jonathan and I miss our moms every single day.

See how gorgeous my mom was? I couldn't even be compared with her even though I'm her daughter.
How I wish she could see me getting married and becoming a mother.

Mom and little Peixin on Moon Festival
江江的媽媽也好美哦! 但小江江的表情...看到什麼不乾淨的嗎?

Happy Mother's Day to myself!

Don't worry. He just got a vaccine so that's a cotton ball on his thigh. 

Spending the day with Jonathan and my little Seidman!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Baby bear 1 month + 29 days

I bought two vest blankets for Nathan because one time I left the room to wash to bottles then came back and found the blanket covering his entire face. My heart almost stopped beating the moment I walked into the room. With this blanket we can be sure the blanket covers his chest and it doesn't come off because of his kicking or moving. 

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

故事開始 Our lives changed forever since...

2012年的7月某一晚,覺得身體怪怪的,該來的也沒來就驗了一下,這到底是有沒有懷孕呀? 第二條線那麼淡,淡到幾乎看不到。記得當晚頭很暈,像喝醉,就跟江江說:「我好累哦,我要睡了!」就倒頭就睡。
Sixth sense told me "you might be pregnant"...but the second line was so light I could hardly  see it. 
第二天一早覺得昨晚的頭暈不尋常,女人的第六感很強的! 再驗了一次,好深的第二條線呀! 懷孕了嗎? 懷孕了吧! 走進房裡給江江看,江江剛睡醒,沒什麼興奮。好像只說了句:「真的?」哼!電影果然是電影。現實生活中,男人根本不會興奮得跑起老婆浪漫的旋轉說:「我要當爸爸了!我要當爸爸了!」
Next day, the second line was very obvious. And in two hours we were leaving for Greece!!
Nathan went to Greece with us!

When Nathan was just a little black dot 
Nathan got bigger! 

And bigger

三個月,可以分享好消息啦~ 話說我肚子真的大得很早又很快!
12 weeks. Ready to announce the news!


Nathan's feet

Nathan waving "hi"

大約5個月,好清楚的人形! 太不可思議了!!!!!!天啊!!!有個人住在我肚子裡耶!!!
About 20 weeks

Nathan's beautiful spin

Sucking thumb
Pretending to be a pretty pregnant woman while feeling very sick

肚子痛隨便找了間診所去,想不到醫生給我們看了寶寶的臉!! 而且這間隨便找的診所還是很多明星都會去的超有名診所。

About 30 weeks
 肚子尖吧! 很多路人都好像跟我很熟說:「肚子好尖哦,是男生吼?」

Many people on the street commented on my pointy belly "Your belly is so big and pointy, must be a boy!!"

33週了,辛苦指數有增無減,還是要裝沒事的來一張美照。才33週大家就以為我要生了 = =
 33weeks, everybody thought I was going to have the baby soon. I was HUGE.

 Two days before labor. Gained 40 pounds

Nathan arrived. 2995 grams.


但是我一點都不後悔這整個過程。我愛我的男人,我愛我的小孩。我愛我們的家呀! :)

I will never forget how painful the labor process was and how the c-section became a horror movie . I will always remember how sad it was when I couldn't hear my baby's first crying, how he looked, how he felt, and the fact I couldn't hold him right away.  However, I don't regret at all I took a risk to do natural birth when doctors told me it could affect my aneurysm. I tried and the most important thing is my Nathan is a healthy baby. :)