Sunday, May 19, 2013

2 months + 8 days

Nathan is getting bigger! See how his hair looks now and one month ago? It looks shorter because his head is bigger now.  Although he is bigger, people on the street are still commenting on how small he is and they are always telling me I shouldn't take such a small baby out when I carry him back home from the Nanny's. 

My wrists has been hurting since we got home. Here in Taiwan we call it "Mama hands".  According to Wikipedia, it is stenosing tenosynovitis, a painful condition caused by the inflammation (tenosynovitis) and progressive restriction of the superficial and deep flexors fibrous tendon sheath adjacent to A1 pulley at a metacarpal head.  My wrists hurt the most when I wake up in the morning so I avoid holding Nathan then just to be careful. Jonathan doesn't seem to have "mama hands" though. I wonder if dads get "papa hands". 

Here comes Baby Beatles. 

It's fake bangs. :D 

Hope to blog more this week if not too busy. Ciao! 

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