Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Infant sonogram

Today we took Nathan to have infant sonogram of his brain, heart, and kidney. This was a free service offered by the clinic we had gone to for my level 2 sonograms during my pregnancy. This was the first time the clinic was offering this service to babies who had already been born, and we were the very first parents to ever use it!!! So the whole staff, doctors and nurses included, were all very excited to see Nathan.

I told the doctor that I felt weird to be there again because the last few times I was there Nathan was still in my belly.

                                             Nathan being weighed (4700 grams = 10.5 pounds)

                                                                  55 cm tall

                                                             The doctor took this photo...excitedly

                                                                   Taking a look at Nathan's brain

                                                                         Nathan got hungry

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