Monday, July 29, 2013

First ray of sunlight of my day

Baby Nathan wakes up between 5 and 5:30 in the morning. Usually I nurse Nathan in the morning and this is our special time together. :) Baby Nathan often falls asleep when I nurse him  and I find it so cute. I woke him up this morning and this baby bear seemed a little confused but still smiley.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Happy birthday!

Happy birthday! And congrats on starting being a grandfather this year in 2013!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Baby sushi

It's too hot for wearable blanket so we use this little belly blanket, which has Velcro on it, to keep baby warm during the night. I used to have things like this when I was in kindergarten and elementary school. I remember very clearly putting it on before I napped or sleep.

Doesn't this baby bear look like a sushi?

Korean style

We had Korean food for dinner on Saturday.

A big pan with veggies, pork, and Korean spices. They will stir fry for you. Yummy!! Oh it's so hard to say goodbye to my remaining baby weight!

Monday, July 22, 2013

Chew with invisible teeth

Baby Nathan loves putting his fingers in his mouth and chew! So we got him a chewing ring. Jonathan gave it to him and he somehow put the ring on his forehead and face. Hahaha!
Later he finally tried to chew on it.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Back to the nanny

My 3-week summer vacation is ending so Nathan has to go back to the nanny next week. He is starting to whine when he doesn't see us so I hope the nanny will be patient.

Nathan has been enjoying his new sleeping position and his buddy mouse.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Company trip photos

We had a good time! Nathan got lots of attention. For example, after the delicious lunch, I was changing diapers for Nathan. The scene was:

Me changing Nathan in the lady's room.

Jonathan's coworkers automatically surrounded me and watching me and Nathan.

Girl1coming out of bathroom: What are you doing?

Girls: watching her changing diapers.

Girl1: I wanna see! I wanna see!

Girl 3: I wanna see too!

There were finally 6 or 7girls in total. Sorry Nathan!

While changing

Me: Everybody came to see your niao niao ( nickname for baby's wee wee).

Lady: I have seen lots of them. Doesn't matter if I see one more.

Me thinking: Lots of adult ones or baby ones?

Making cookies

Making cookies

I made a big face cookie and a heart-shape cookie! 

After dinner my cookies were backed! 

Breakfast buffet. Round 1: Taiwan style breakfast

Lunch: Roast duck

Yum! Yum!! 

Looks like French fries but they are deep fried mushroom.

Eight- treasure tarot dessert

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Company trip

We are taking a company trip today! So far so good except I realized I was wearing my flip flops the minute I stepped in this beautiful resort hotel! Argh!!! I guess this is life with a baby!

We just got here and thanks to smartphone I can show you our room right now.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Third vaccine

Nathan got his third vaccine this morning. He now weighs 6.6 kg, and he is 60 cm tall.

Friday, July 12, 2013

OMG! First laugh!!!!

Baby Nathan sneezed and Jonathan made a fake sneeze. And then Nathan laughed!!