Wednesday, July 10, 2013

收涎 saliva collection ceremony




台語不好,所以亂唸了之後就讓他舔舔餅乾,玩一玩。結束之後餅乾全進了我們肚子。不錯吃哦! (這麼貴還難吃就太超過了!)

Saliva collection is performed in Taiwan when babies are four months old. It is to collect babies' saliva with cookies so that babies will stop drooling and grow up smoothly.

So we did it on Nathan's four-month birthday!

Traditionally, 12 or 24 round cookies are hung around the baby's neck with red string and we put the cookies around the baby's mouth to collect baby saliva.

But I found a fashionable version of the cookies online and ordered them. I asked them to put Nathan's Chinese and English name on those cute little cookies.

This is scallion, whose pronunciation is the same as "smart" in Chinese.

Trying to figure out what those weird looking stuff is

After reading the poetry for the ceremony, Jonathan and I ate those cookies of course. Yum! 

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