Friday, July 5, 2013

Foreign child?

Whenever I/we take Nathan out, there will always be people staring at Nathan secretly or obviously. They think he looks "different", "foreign" and cute. A lot of times I can hear them say "mixed baby!" or "foreign baby". We tend to pretend we don't hear them.

"I" can hear people say the same things in Taiwanese because Jonathan doesn't understand Taiwanese. They often say"foreign child" or "American child" even when I was pregnant because Jonathan was walking with big-belly me. One time a middle aged woman said "She is having an American child." in Taiwanese. They somehow decided that Nathan would be American instead of Taiwanese. Now you know how Taiwanese people think about biracial children.

Like I said before biracial babies are special and popular in Taiwan. A lot of parents even make Facebook fan pages for their biracial children, and people literally follow every photo the parents post. Jonathan warned me not to become one of those mothers who enjoy too much showing off their children on the Internet. I don't intend to do that anyway.

I told Jonathan yesterday that I felt a little left out when people said Nathan was a foreign baby or American baby. The word "foreign" excludes me. Jonathan sweetly told me "You are his one and only mother".

Aww, yes I am. But Nathan at least takes after some of me right? I mean his eye brows, forehead, eye color and nose?  I carried him for 10 months, at least some credit?

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