Sunday, December 20, 2015

That's My Boy!

 Nathan wants to use chopsticks when he sees us use them and he can actually pick up food with them. It's absolutely not easy for a two year old but we let him. He gets frustrated when he can't pick up food but won't give up. It gets messy but it's the necessary process. 
Many adults can pick up food with chopsticks but in a wrong way (fingers placed in wrong places thus can't control the chopsticks efficiently). 
My parents (especially my father, who was a retired soldier and a real martinet) were pretty strict about how we used chopsticks because it shows how a family educates their children so I can proudly say I use chopsticks correctly. 

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Friday, December 4, 2015

In the Elevater

Nathan said "兩個爸爸" (Two daddies) when he saw the reflection of his daddy in the mirror in the elevator and kept looking at the two daddies. :D 

pic taken last year...when can I get this body back???

Monday, November 30, 2015

Toddler Attitude!

"Duh!"   My friends say he's just like me funny and naughty and I'm like "Duh! He's my son, what do you expect?"  

Monday, November 23, 2015

Scary Dolphin

Nathan pointed to a shark and said "Mama, scary dolphin". 
Hahahaha, ok, I know it's a scary dolphin. :) 

Thursday, November 19, 2015


Some friends told me your child can sense you're having a baby even though they're too young to understand and will become very attached to you and change their behavior.

Monday, November 16, 2015


I hope you are now in animal heaven playing happily. You can go find Terry. She's mysterious but a good kitty.  She looks like this:

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Oh Boy!

Last night, after Nathan used the potty (yes, he's doing it!!! And I wanted to give him privacy so I left the bathroom) he said "Mama". I went in and saw this.


Saturday, October 31, 2015

Happy Halloween!

Nathan is obsessed with buses so I made him a bus based on a real bus company. It has his Chinese name on it. However, he doesn't want to wear the uniform we prepared so he just drove the bus nearly naked. I dressed up as a Taiwan redneck, which turned out to be very successful at the party. Jonathan's costume is pretty obvious, everybody liked it.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Passion Fruit!

Nothing compares to the fragrance of passion fruit!!! Nathan loves it! 

Monday, October 19, 2015

Sweet Boy

He says "在裡面" (baby inside) and gently touches my belly. ❤️

Thursday, October 15, 2015


We talk in Chinese so I put subtitle in the video. Enjoy!

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Double Tenth

Oct 10 is Taiwan Independence Day so we have another three day weekend.

Note to David: We don't live in China (wink). 

Wednesday, October 7, 2015


Found some video clips in my phone. Kind of creepy. He took those videos while I was sleeping!!!! 

Saturday, October 3, 2015


It turns out our baby bear is sick. That's why he wanted to sleep with us. He had a fever last night but now he's better. Hope he gets well soon. 

Friday, October 2, 2015

A Two-Year-Old

This happened before bed last night. 

The lights were off. He was in bed. He asked for water and when the water was there he didn't want it. He made another request -he demanded a Band-Aid for the scratch on his foot and he didn't want it. 

Daddy: "ok, here's the Band-Aid."
Nathan: "我不要 Band-Aid" (I don't want Band-Aid) 
Daddy: "You said you wanted it. 
Nathan: "我不要"(I don't want it)
Daddy: "......"
Nathan cried "Mama, mama, mama..."
Mama: "What's wrong? Do you want to sleep with mama?"
Nathan: 我不要媽媽 (I don't want mama)

At last he came to bed with both of us, which rarely happens. Since he was very young, he always wanted his own space to sleep. Now he sleeps in his own room and is used to it but last night he wanted to come to our bed. 

It's very typical of a two-year-old to want something and then not want it

Imagine I'm speaking in a sweet loving voice. Just imagine it cuz you probably can't tell if you hear me in person. 

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Monday, September 28, 2015

Busy Weekend

We had a three day weekend for Moon Festival so we went BBQing with friends and visited with my sister. Busy and fun!
Oh and then a strong typhoon came, so we had another day off!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Yom Kippur

Jonathan can't eat after the sun goes down today until tomorrow evening. Every year I ask the same question: " Will you be ok?"