Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Big Brother

My friends, who have two children, told me about their first child hitting their brothers or sisters and warned me that it'd happen.

I observed for about three months now. I can confidently say it has never happened.

A few days ago, I was holding her and Nathan wanted me to hold him too. He looked at me and said "要排隊" (I have to be in the line) and he waited for his turn.

When Waverly cries, he'd shout "I'm going to save you! I became a firetruck!" and rush into the room to see Waverly.

Last night, when we were in the bathroom. He said something cute and sweet.

Nathan: 我覺得有點怪怪的。(I think there's something a bit strange)
Mama:  哪裡怪怪的。(What's strange?)
Nathan: 妹妹在哭。(meimei's crying.)
Mama: 妹妹在哭嗎? (Is meimei crying?)
Nathan: 對。你去啊。(Yes, go to her)

He tells me Waverly spits out a little milk, she's cold or she's hungry. (At least that's what he thinks) He shares his favorite toy with her (for like 10 seconds), gives her the pacifier, and pats on her back when I burp her.

A few times I hid and watched him and Waverly alone. He just says "Meimei, meimei" and gently touche her head and hands.  He smiled when he discovered I was behind the door watching.

He does get jealous sometimes, but the good thing is he takes out his anger on us, never on her. I find it amazing.

1 comment:

  1. This really is amazing, wonderful and so special! Its also rather surprising, given that Nathan is only 3! I was also very lucky to have 2 older brothers who were always kind and sweet to me :) But when I was born, Uncle Bobby was 6 and Papa Richie was 8.
