Saturday, June 29, 2013

Roll it!

Baby Nathan surprises us with his new directions.

Summer vacation!

Three-week summer vacation! Yesterday my grad school friend Karen came to visit with baby Nathan and us. We used to be roommates. I still remember very clearly we pulled a lot of all nighters together. Such a stressful period of time. Karen is studying for her Phd and will go to Hawaii for one year to be a visiting scholar.

Today we went to a department store and a nice burger restaurant we both like. Malls and department stores are the places we go because they have nursing rooms. I love to see/use nursing rooms at different department store, it's like a new hobby. :p

This time Jonathan get to come in with me and I was happy I got a assistant in the room.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Waking up alone

The other day through the baby monitor I found that Nathan had waken up so I walked quietly into the room. And this is what I saw:

Monday, June 24, 2013

Super Sunday

We went to see the superman movie (4DX) on Sunday. 4DX movie was pretty cool. It is like an amusement park ride. The seat moves, blows wind, water and smell when there is wind, water and smell in the movie. It also punches in your back (which i didnt like) when there is a fight scene. We had a great Sunday!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Friday, June 21, 2013

Graduation season

The class I taught for two years graduated. Below photos were taken the day I got back to work, and that was their last day of school! There were 47 students in that class. Not small at all.

I wish they could sit like this. They were having a pizza party so they could arrange their seats like this.
They asked me to talk about the story of Nathan's birth. They were quite attentive during my pregnancy. :)

My current favorite class

My very first class in my life. I will never forget this class. I had had lots of conflicts with them but they became my favorite class, and I became their most special teacher.

I smiled so happily because I knew I was leaving that lousy school and going to get married.

This young lady got married and had a baby after graduating! 

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Grab it!

Baby Nathan now grabs things. 

Grabbing his binky
He wants his binky but doesn't know how to put it in his mouth.

Monday, June 17, 2013


We ate out on Saturday again! This time we had ramen noodles.

We also went to a mall where they have awesome nursing room. Only one mommy is allowed to be inside so I had the room all to me and Nathan. I heard in lots of places you need to share with others, and it's not necessarily clean and comfortable. 
 First time using a nursing room. I just wanted to see how the nursing room looked like but it was close to his lunch time so I used the room and I loved it!
Changing table

 Nathan and I had a good time in the nursing room.

Nathan skyping with grandma and papa. 

Baby Nathan couldn't fit the sink anymore so we got him a bath tub!