Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day to wonderful fathers!

Jonathan has been a wonderful father since day 1 starting from I got pregnant.  He witnessed me throwing up after every meal (empty stomach too) every day the first four months, and all kinds of discomforts. He has been taking good care of me and Nathan.

Assembling the stroller before Nathan was born. 
 The second day after Nathan was born. Jonathan pushed me on a wheel chair to the third floor every three or four hours (from sixth floor to the third took us at least 20 minutes because I couldn't stand straight and it hurt a lot when I moved). He would ask me if I finished feeding him only after 10 minutes. I knew he wanted to hold Nathan so much he got jealous that I got to feed him and hold him the entire time.

Baby Peixin and baba. I miss my father every single day. 

Three-month-old baby Nathan and baby Jonathan with dads!

Happy Father's Day!

ps. What do you think? Who does baby Nathan look like?

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