Saturday, June 8, 2013

Date time

This Saturday a very good friend of us, Jan, who actually introduced us 6 years ago, came to visit us. So 6 years ago in late summer, Jan asked me if I wanted to have dinner, which Jonathan invited him to, with him and his classmates from Chinese class and I went with my graduate school friend. Then Jonathan and I met that night. The rest is history.

Smiley Nathan and  don't-know-what-to-do Jan

We had decided to have Nathan in the nanny's so we could enjoy Saturday just the two of us. Jonathan and I started our date by going to Star Trek exhibition. We also walked around the park nearby.

Jonathan fell asleep on the bench and suddenly woke up thinking it was time to feed baby Nathan.
This is what we saw from our angle on the bench :)

So happy! 

Jonathan buying juice from his favorite juice bar
 On Sunday morning we skyped with Aunt Susan, Uncle Tony and Figaro.

Baby Nathan saw Aunt Susan and Uncle Tony.

We had a great weekend. Now we have more energy to take care of baby Nathan. 

Hope everyone had a great weekend as well! 

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