Thursday, January 30, 2014

Happy Lunar New Year!

I used to get super excited during the Lunar New Year. We didn't get to eat lots of meat, fish, or good delicious food because my family didn't have that kind of money. However, for lunar new year, my parents would buy chicken, pork, fish, beef, fruit, soda and all kinds of festive snacks. We got to play firecrackers, get hong bao (red envelope) and just be with family watching adults doing all kinds of activities.

My father's dumplings were the best in the world. He would put coins in them, and people eat dumplings with coins in them would have good luck and money all year. It was so much fun!

 Last year, I was still pregnant. This year, baby bear celebrated with us!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

First Haircut!

Baby bear's hair is getting longer and longer so we decided to take him to a family style barbershop before Chinese New Year. I used to trim his hair but this time I want him to have a good haircut for Chiense New year.  

Once the lady started her electronic device, baby bear started freaking out and cried so hard!!! For the rest of the day and night, he acted weird and cried during sleep. 

The lady asked papa bear to hold baby bear like this

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Hot pot with coworkers

Had dinner(we Taiwanese love hot pot so much!) with coworkers last night so papa bear and baby bear had alone time at home. I miss them so much though!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Coming home!

While Papa bear was on the way home on MRT (subway), we video-called. Baby bear saw Papa bear and laughed! You can see people holding on the handles in the background, lol.

Monday, January 13, 2014


Today I did arteriography in the hospital because I haven't done it for years. It's recommended I have the test once a year.

 Not comfortable because they injected some things that made me nauseous and dizzy.

But I have to say that the health insurance in Taiwan is awesome!!! Simply awesome!! It covers everything and very affordable. 

Waiting for more injection.

Love reading together

What did you do?

Sunday, January 12, 2014

10 months updates

Baby bear is 10 months!!! Time does fly!


1. I tried to teach him to clap one day, but I assumed it wasn't happening. But the next day Jonathan found him clapping his hands in the crib!!!!  When we were in the park, he heard others clapping, he started to clap too!  He claps after finishing (or half way) milk as well.

2.  One more tooth popped out! When  I was playing with the "upside down" game with baby (that is when I hold him upside down), he laughed hard so I saw little white dot in the upper gum!

3. Now can walk with the assistance of the walking toy.  He has been pushing the big cookie box so we figured he wanted to walk and got him a walking toy.

4. Calls out "baba" and "mama" out loud.

5. Eats more solid food. He can eat a whole banana now.

6. Loves to play everything that is not toy, including trash bags, plastic bowls, paper, cookie box, picture frame, diaper......

7. Says "baba" when papa bear says "no" to him. Maybe he's begging papa bear.

8. Still hates getting dressed. (why why why? Aren't you cold?)

10 months!

On Jan 11, we went to one of our favorite areas. It has theaters that show art films, art galleries,  shops and interesting exhibitions. We went for "Bad Art" exhibition this time.

The weather was so so so wonderful! It felt so nice to finally have nice weather after series of rain and cold fronts. We had a little picnic with baby bear.