Sunday, January 26, 2014

Daycare Issue

I talked to Chrystelle the other day about why I was concerned about Baby Bear being at the daycare. It has been on my mind ever since we started sending him to the daycare. I am a mother, I worry about my baby and I think that's very normal. I'm not being overly protective.

My co-workers told me they had heard about the unspeakable secrets about daycare centers. And I happened to read two articles written by two women, one of whom is currently working at a daycare, the other got fired because she was being "nosy".

What are the unspeakable dark secrets?

1. They say when, how much they feed the baby everyday, but they aren't always honest. Each teacher takes care of five babies. I know it's impossible to keep track on everything. But the truth is that they only feed the baby one tiny piece of apple and write in the book saying the baby eats apple every day. What's worse, sometimes the baby just doesn't want to drink milk, they will just pour out the milk and write in the book : "12:30/180cc Good job!"

2. The pictures are just a show. I'm sure you know what I mean.

3. They leave the babies crying for too long.

4. Let babies sit in dirty diapers for a long time.

5. The food they cook is never worth the fee the parents pay.

6. They let the very sick (needs to be quarantined) go to daycare.

7. They yell at the hit the kids. Even though the two daycares are super expensive and have live cameras for parents to view online. They can always find a way to hit the kids because they eat slowly, cry, or just being babies.Those babies can't speak yet so they can't even tell their parents they were hit.

The list goes on and one and I don't want to bore you. Anyways, so far I have found something that I don't like that much such as:

1. Baby Baby came home with heavy diaper full of peepee and poopoo. It was heavier than an overnight diaper. The daycare apologized. And that was it.

2. Missing/ wrong clothes, bottles and spoons.

3. Unexplained remaining formula. So that means baby bear didn't drink what he was supposed to drink.  I asked about it, and they apologized.

4. Nonstop sickness. Baby bear has been coughing for two months. The doctor suggested that he stay at home to recover but we can't stop working and take care of him.

5. Late pick up which resulted us going to work late.

All I want to say is it's not easy to be a working mother, mentally and physically. Especially I have zero help except papa bear.  But I am trying my very best. I am.

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