Sunday, January 12, 2014

10 months!

On Jan 11, we went to one of our favorite areas. It has theaters that show art films, art galleries,  shops and interesting exhibitions. We went for "Bad Art" exhibition this time.

The weather was so so so wonderful! It felt so nice to finally have nice weather after series of rain and cold fronts. We had a little picnic with baby bear.

Eating bread

Baby loves bread!

Fresh squeezed grape juice made by mommy

Baby bear loved it!

Showing teeth

Eating sweet potatoe

Yum yum!

Papa bear said "Nathan" and we both looked at the camera.

More potato?

He enjoys standing so much

Mommy posing for picture while baby trying to escape

Lots of dogs and children came to the park

Can't believe baby bear is 10 months!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mommy will always be there laughing with you!

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