Sunday, January 12, 2014

10 months updates

Baby bear is 10 months!!! Time does fly!


1. I tried to teach him to clap one day, but I assumed it wasn't happening. But the next day Jonathan found him clapping his hands in the crib!!!!  When we were in the park, he heard others clapping, he started to clap too!  He claps after finishing (or half way) milk as well.

2.  One more tooth popped out! When  I was playing with the "upside down" game with baby (that is when I hold him upside down), he laughed hard so I saw little white dot in the upper gum!

3. Now can walk with the assistance of the walking toy.  He has been pushing the big cookie box so we figured he wanted to walk and got him a walking toy.

4. Calls out "baba" and "mama" out loud.

5. Eats more solid food. He can eat a whole banana now.

6. Loves to play everything that is not toy, including trash bags, plastic bowls, paper, cookie box, picture frame, diaper......

7. Says "baba" when papa bear says "no" to him. Maybe he's begging papa bear.

8. Still hates getting dressed. (why why why? Aren't you cold?)

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